In September 1946, when the photographer Hedda Morrison reached Hong Kong, it remained little changed from decades earlier. Acclaimed for her images of China taken in the 1930s and 1940s, Hedda Morrison delighted in recording the patterns of everyday life. Now, captivated by Hong Kong and its people, she embraced the colony's diversity. For six months, cameras in hand, Morrison roamed its districts, streets, coasts and valleys. Within years, much of what Hedda Morrison witnessed in 1946–47 would be swept aside. Yet when she was there Hong Kong life still had its old feel and traditions, with fine colonial precincts, tenement streets, bustling markets, itinerant hawkers, fisherfolk and rice farmers. In this book, Morrison's telling images are complemented by Edward Stokes' essays portraying the postwar years. Hedda Morrison's photographs are the work of a masterful, artistic photographer. However, fewer than thirty of this book’s photographs had been published before. It was those images, first sighted in a 1946 government report, that led Edward Stokes to begin searching for Morrison's original negatives – which later were discovered at the Harvard-Yenching Library, Harvard University. This is a unique record of a now vanished Hong Kong – the most complete pictorial account of how the colony looked during the decades from the early 1930s to the 1950s. Hedda Morrison's photographs will appeal to all who value documentary images and Asian history. This new edition contains over three-quarters of the photographs from Hedda Morrison's Hong Kong, the original edition of this book published in 2005. The complete English text, which has been widely praised, accompanies the photographs. Reviews of Hedda Morrison's Hong Kong appear below and on the back jacket.



Edward Stokes is a photographer and writer. An Australian, he grew up in Hong Kong and studied at Magdalen College, Oxford. After some years as a teacher, he turned to photography and writing. He completed five books on Australian themes, three of them with his own photographs. In 1993 Edward Stokes went to live in Hong Kong, where he photographed and wrote a number of books portraying the territory's natural landscape and ecology. These books were published by a not-for-profit body which, with others, he had established in 1997 – the Hongkong Conservation Photography Foundation. Based on its work and publications, together with the same people and others, in 2007 Edward Stokes began research and preparation for the establishment of a new publishing organization – The Photographic Heritage Foundation.

Hong Kong As It Was- Hedda Morrison’s Photographs 1946-47是本不錯的藝術設計﹐更是個人氣質與品味的象徵,對我而言是超好買的啦



好看的藝術設計Hong Kong As It Was- Hedda Morrison’s Photographs 1946-47全書的內容大意

看完心情愉快, 正能量滿滿,總會覺得彷彿一伸出雙手便能擁抱全世界

Hong Kong As It Was- Hedda Morrison’s Photographs 1946-47總而言之,它的評價很高,誠意推薦給大家看喔!

Hong Kong As It Was- Hedda Morrison’s Photographs 1946-47曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。

  • 出版社:香港大學出版社


  • 出版日期:2009/07/01
  • 語言:英文





  • 出版社:香港大學出版社


  • 出版日期:2009/07/01
  • 語言:英文

In September 1946, when the photographer Hedda Morrison reached Hong Kong, it remained little changed from decades earlier. Acclaimed for her images of China taken in the 1930s and 1940s, Hedda Morrison delighted in recording the patterns of everyday life. Now, captivated by Hong Kong and its people, she embraced the colony's diversity. For six months, cameras in hand, Morrison roamed its districts, streets, coasts and valleys. Within years, much of what Hedda Morrison witnessed in 1946–47 would be swept aside. Yet when she was there Hong Kong life still had its old feel and traditions, with fine colonial precincts, tenement streets, bustling markets, itinerant hawkers, fisherfolk and rice farmers. In this book, Morrison's telling images are complemented by Edward Stokes' essays portraying the postwar years. Hedda Morrison's photographs are the work of a masterful, artistic photographer. However, fewer than thirty of this book’s photographs had been published before. It was those images, first sighted in a 1946 government report, that led Edward Stokes to begin searching for Morrison's original negatives – which later were discovered at the Harvard-Yenching Library, Harvard University. This is a unique record of a now vanished Hong Kong – the most complete pictorial account of how the colony looked during the decades from the early 1930s to the 1950s. Hedda Morrison's photographs will appeal to all who value documentary images and Asian history. This new edition contains over three-quarters of the photographs from Hedda Morrison's Hong Kong, the original edition of this book published in 2005. The complete English text, which has been widely praised, accompanies the photographs. Reviews of Hedda Morrison's Hong Kong appear below and on the back jacket.



Edward Stokes is a photographer and writer. An Australian, he grew up in Hong Kong and studied at Magdalen College, Oxford. After some years as a teacher, he turned to photography and writing. He completed five books on Australian themes, three of them with his own photographs. In 1993 Edward Stokes went to live in Hong Kong, where he photographed and wrote a number of books portraying the territory's natural landscape and ecology. These books were published by a not-for-profit body which, with others, he had established in 1997 – the Hongkong Conservation Photography Foundation. Based on its work and publications, together with the same people and others, in 2007 Edward Stokes began research and preparation for the establishment of a new publishing organization – The Photographic Heritage Foundation.

Hong Kong As It Was- Hedda Morrison’s Photographs 1946-47

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Hong Kong As It Was- Hedda Morrison’s Photographs 1946-47



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